Under Eye Fillers (Dark Circles Treatment) In Delhi
If you’ve tried every full coverage concealer and miracle eye cream at Sephora (often at a serious cost) and are still left with shadows under your eyes that you’d rather weren’t there, then under eye fillers may be the solution you’re looking for. Unlike brightening concealers and creams, filler could help tackle undereye hollowness, which is one of the main contributors to dark circles.
However, the undereye filler is a highly technical procedure that needs to be carried out by a skilled professional, which is why we got in touch with two world-renowned derms and aestheticians, Dr. Geetika Mittal Gupta.
Want to get personal treatment and care for more than just dark undereye problem? Consult with Dr Geetika, an experienced to know the best for your skin and hair.
They filled us in (no pun intended) on the amazing in-office treatments that can help to revitalize the under eye, and explained how filler can knock years off . Here’s everything you need to know.