Several men and women wish they were born with enticing dimples. Not everyone is blessed in this way, but Dr. Geetika Mittal Gupta is launching Dimple Creation, which patients have been waiting for.
Perhaps you’ve always wished for dimples to offer you a sweeter, cuter appearance. Alternatively, it’s possible that everyone in your lineage has dimples but you. Whatever the cause, if you’ve always liked cheeks or chin dimples and wished you could have them, a dimple generation surgery could be the appropriate choice for you. Dimples that fit perfectly into the curves of your face and compliment your features can be created with a dimple creation process.
Perhaps you don’t even know what a dimple is. In a nutshell, a dimple is the natural outcome of a tiny muscle deficiency. When you smile, the skin that lies atop this little muscle defect effectively conforms to the deeper tissues, giving you a dimple in your cheek (or chin, depending on the situation).