Isaac Luxe

underarm darkening treatment


There may be times when you want to flaunt your favorite off-shoulder party dress but you end up wearing a boring dress because of your Dark Underarms.

Want to flaunt your sleeveless dresses this summer? Drop by the , Dr Geetika Gupta at ISAAC Luxe dermatology clinic to get yourself perfect underarms. 

Causes Of Dark Underarms

Dark underarm are generally caused due to a skin condition acanthosis nigricans which may cause the skin to darken in the fold areas. Enlisting some of the causes of Dark Circle-

  1. The chemical irritants in deodorants are one of the leading causes of dark underarm.
  2. Excessive shaving may lead to discolouration and pigmentation of the underarms. It may also lead to inflammation of our skin.
  3. Too much accumulation of dead skin cells on underarms may also darken them. This generally happens due to lack of exfoliation.
  4. Obesity is one of the leading factors of dark underarms.
  5. Hormonal disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or thyroid may cause dark underarms.
  6. Some medications including birth control pills, insulin, growth hormone etc. may cause dark underarms.
  7. Wearing tight clothes may at times cause friction which may often lead to dark armpits.
  8. People who have type 2 diabetes are also at an increased risk of dark underarms as an increase in the insulin level can lead to skin darkening
  9. People with dark skin tone have more melanin in their body thus they are more prone to darker underarms
  10. Too much shaving can also lead to ingrown hair thus making our underarms dark


Topical Creams

The best option is always to consult your dermatologist to get the best advice on dark underarms. Under the supervision of a dermatologist, prescription creams, ointments, and gels can be used to lighten the skin under the arms. The medicines like retinoid creams to thin and lighten the skin, hydroquinone cream to lighten the color of the skin, a vitamin D-based cream to reduce pigmentation and using topical antibiotics or antibacterial soaps to minimize discomfort.

Chemical peels

Various combinations of peels can be used to treat the dark underarm concern. Chemical peels help in rejuvenation and repair of the skin. Chemical peel brightens and even out your skin tone by reducing the appearance of hyperpigmentation and skin discoloration. They revitalize dull-looking skin, help skin look soft and smooth. Because of their deep exfoliating effects, Peels can refine the surface of your skin. They also cause your skin to peel physically, so they require around a week of downtime. However, the results are worth the wait!

4 D Lift Laser

This treatment is suitable for cases in which underarm pigmentation has not responded to topical lightening creams, mixed epidermal and dermal pigmentation, and predominantly dermal pigmentation. The laser energy breaks down the melanin, which is subsequently taken away by your body’s healing response in a few treatment sessions.